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Nov 19, 2015

Author Julia Fullick discusses her article "Relational Mentoring Episodes as a Catalyst for Empowering Protégés: A Conceptual Model" published in the December 2015 issue of Human Resource Development Review.

Nov 19, 2015

Journal co-editor Kenneth Thompson talks to author Eva Winkler about her paper on the nature of the relations between specific supervisor behavior and employee well-being.

Nov 19, 2015

Journal co-editor Kenneth Thompson talks to author Chase Thiel about his paper which examines leader-facilitated emotion management in a simulated workplace setting.

Nov 18, 2015

Denie Burks interviews Peter Sorenson about his life and career.

Nov 4, 2015

Jane Murray talks with authors David Kaplan and Monika Renard about their article which provides instructions for engaging students in negotiating their course syllabus.